Floating support
Shine’s Floating Support service is aimed at people who are already living or ready to live in independent accommodation with a personalised package of support.
The purpose of our Floating Support service is to support people to maintain and increase independence, to manage risk, to prevent isolation, to remain well and to maintain a tenancy.
Examples of types of service offered are:
- Resettlement (particularly for service users who are ‘stepping down’ from existing services). This includes support to source appropriate accommodation, either through the local council or privately rented
- Support to deal with any tenancy related issues
- Managing paperwork
- Support to manage and attend appointments
- Support with finance, benefit applications and dealing with queries
- Health & Wellbeing
- Mental Health monitoring inc medication compliance monitoring
- Support to develop positive social networks as well as encouraging contribution to the community through employment, training or volunteering
- Risk Monitoring
- Recovery

All our packages are based on a minimal amount of hours and allow for crisis contingency 24-hours a day thereby representing excellent value for money.
If you would like further information or would like to make a referral, please click here.