Make a Referral
There are 3 easy ways to make a referral:
Client Profile

- Adults aged 18-65
- Male or Female
- Mental Health (Primary Diagnosis)
- Additional Complex needs
(e.g. Forensic history (inc. s.37/41), Dual Diagnosis, Borderline LD, etc)
Outline Assessment Procedure
Key features of assessment process
- An assessment can be completed within a week if needed
- Comprehensive set of notes to be provided to cover psychiatric, forensic (if applicable), risk and personal history as well as other specialist reports (e.g. Psychology, OT, Nursing, etc)
- Always a minimum of 2 people involved (inc. management)
- Initial Face to face assessment with prospective service user in their own environment
- Discussion with Ward Manager and/or named nurse (if from hospital)
- Discussion with Social Worker
- Discussion with family members (if appropriate)
- Visit to potential project (inc. 2nd face to face assessment and monitoring of interaction with staff and other service users present)
- Additional face to face assessment and/or request for further information if needed
- Completion of assessment report including decision, risk assessment and management plan and initial recovery and support plan